Sunday, April 6, 2008

Number 22 of 23: I have been given some of the tools that I need to keep informed. I know that the world of technology is changing faster than I want at times. I will have to take the time to read the blogs and information sent to me in my groups and my feeds. Then I need to take time to experiment with the new and unknown. I know myself and I let myself get distracted at times. I am going to set aside 15 minutes of my prep period daily to check my feeds and groups. I, in reality, that the 15 minutes will not always be there, but if I have it is my schedule, I will have a better shot of following through. I also need to encourage the staff development team in my building and district to set aside some time for our staff to discover these new tools. That is my challenge and goal for the coming year.

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick

Number 21 of 23: I joined Library 2.0 and 23 Things on a Stick. I enjoyed these social networks more than the FaceBook and My Space as they seem more user defined. I would like to start a group with the teachers in our school. This would be an excellent way to stay in touch over the summer months, especially when we are working on committees that need to communicate.
Number 20 of 23: I joined Facebook. I know that my students use My Space, because I have students and staff sharing information they saw and read on our students' sites. Of course, I only hear about the "bad" news on the sites. I joined FaceBook becasue of the added security. I really do not want my personal information out to be accessed by any and everyone. I also joined the Ohio Treasure Chest group. This is a a group that wants to be kept informed on new technology and websites that can be useful in our classrooms.
As for the question of the bad rep that these social networks are receiving. Agains, the public only dwells on the negative. Many of our students communicate this way. This is technology that is not going to go away.
Number 19 of 23: I have had an interest in Podcasting, but have not found the time to create one. One of my teachers and I have taken on this challenge for 4th quarter. His students are going to create podcasts on a subject of their choice, and they will be highlighted at Family conferences in May. I listened to attendees at the MEMO conference, librarians talking about projects they are attempting. I like the Grammar Grater and the Jet Streaming posdcasts from MPR> I am going to share those with certain teachers a t school. On PodCast Alley, I found several that I added to my RSS Feed button. One that really caught my attention was The Treasure Chest. Here is the url for the directory.
Number 18 of 23: I have viewed vodeos form YouTube before when others shared them with me, but this is the first time I have sxplored it mayself. I looked up quite a few tags unitl I found a video that I felt I could use and share with my students. It is maybe too juvenile for my middle school elvel, but the messgae and the "beat" is there. You =Tube is blocked in our school because of alot of the content. I do think it would be fun to have a group of students create a video that can be shared through our school server, but then also teach them how to publish to YouTube. That would be a homework assignment, or a field trip to the local college, and have tech students tutor my students on the process.